Sam Barron

Tufnell Park Primary School

Carleton Road


N7 0HJ


Tuesday 17th November 2020

Dear Ahmed, 

Greetings from london.My name is Sam.I was born in england. I am a nine year old boy and I live in Tufnell park London.And I  was wondering if we could be penpals?

I have an interesting life in London. I have been going to school since the age of four.I play for 

the local football team, and were unbeaten most of my friends play for the same team as me.which makes it fun. Sometimes in my spare time i do some art/drawing. I like to draw monsters and stuff like that. I also enjoy baking cakes and that sort of stuff. I like to play board games with my family like drafts or monopoly and other board games I normally win. 

I go to a school called tufnell park primary school it is fun because you can see all of your friends some of me friends are hunter ,harry ,george ,zac and finn we've got a new school building and a new football pitch the playground is good.Our school has even got its own library to read or listen to people reading books.And my favorite subject is art.I enjoy art because i’m good at it.And we go on school trips sometimes but with the conditions of the coronavirus we can’t go on  school trips. 

I'm quite good at sports like football. I play it at home at the park, at football training and at school.I also like  basketballI only play it at school. I enjoy playing it with my friends like Hunter George Harry Zac Finn.I also like to run and ride my bike at the park or on bike rides with my family. The best I have done with my family is 17.6 km on my bike.Are you any good at sports and do you like sports? What is your favourite sport?

Where I live has loads of food and my favorite foods are fish and chips. I also like chicken nuggets and burgers.Sometimes I go out with my family to restaurants but now you can’t because of covid 19.I like chinese food like spring rolls and chicken soup.What is your favourite food?My favourite dessert is chocolate cake.What type of food do you like? What type of food do you have in egypt?

There are a lot of Landmarks in London Such as the shard and I think it is one of the tallest buildings in the world.There are other landmarks like Buckingham palace  also known as the Queen's house. BigBen , tower bridge and lots of places of worship but the main one is Saint Paul's Cathedral and I have been there for a concert.There are so many more Landmarks that I can't write down.

Are you in lockdown like us in England in Egypt? Do you have a lockdown?  I really hate 

covid 19 do you? Well everyone hates it.Are you ok in covid 19? Have your parents been kind during covid 19?


It’s been great fun writing to you, do write back soon. I hope you want to be penpals.

Best wishes 

Sam B