What are Tudor ships A Tudor ship, also known as a galleon was used in King Henry the VI reign for war. The ship would have a captain’s cabin which is where the captain slept. There would be a main mast which was the tallest mast and is usually located in the middle of the ship. Nearly on all Tudor ships they would have a figure head which would normally be at the prow (front of the ship) of the ship it was sometimes be a bit symbolic and sometimes be and animal or mythical creature. There would be a gun-port which was where they would shoot the cannons to attack other ships. Life on boat It was a rough time for the sailors or anybody who slept on the boat because there hammocks would rock when the boat moved which would make a very unsettling night on board. Many sailors died or became ill because the food on the ship was not healthy and they did not get enough vitamin C. If the ship got attacked the sailors would be ready and armed with swords, spears and cannons. Life on board was poor and they had very little space. Lots of them got a disease called scurvy from the dirt and infested mice, it caused their teeth to drop and have pains all over. The sailors normally had one thing to wear and they would wear it at night and in the daytime. The ships were very dirty and had rats everywhere. Mary Rose King Henry the VI had a ship called the Mary Rose which sunk in the Battle of Solent on the 19th of July 1545. The ship was presumed to be named after King Henry’s sister (who became the queen of France) but this is not definite. The famous Mary Rose was constructed in 1510 and launched a year later. It was built in Portsmouth. It was made for war and had many swords and cannons. What is it made from Tudor ships were made out of English oak and were quite cramped at times and normally very dirty. Since there were many sailors on board and so many spears and cannons and the ship was made out of wood it made it quite easy to sink. The ship itself was made out of oak but the sails were made out of a type of white fabric. All of the guns and weapons were made out of steel and iron. Intresting facts The food on the boat was disgusting and sometimes it was made out of bugs or mice that were found crawling on the deck ( normally cooked alive ). On the ship they eat salted beef, fish, stale bread, fish, dry flavourless biscuits and cheese. Some of the biscuits would have maggots in them
Tudor Galleons