Suddenly the pain in my arm
One lovely morning I got up with a pain in my arm I though why do I have a pain in my
arm it had a really bad sting in my arm I was worry about it in case an alien bite my arm and it came through the door and when it was living it went through the window. On my way to school I had a big pain I wanted to phone my mum but I was to upset. So I just wanted to walk to school but when I got in my class I could not hold my book and the teacher said is every think ok I said iv got a pain in my arm and it really is sting the teacher sent me home my mum took me to the hospital I got an x.ray and the doctor said you have got a bite of an alien we have to put your arm in a cast for 6 weeks. Doctor was in the hospital two and he said I will find this alien 2 weeks later he phone my mum and said I have found the alien and I have killed it there will not be any more aliens.