The Light
As turned the corner I was blinded by the most powerful light my eyes have ever set up on. I woke up and fount a huge crooked hand stretched across my face. My eyes scanned the large glittering room. Just then I started to focus on a huge sparkling diamond in the corner for a while, then I realised who's house I was in . . .
IT WAS A robbers house ! ! ! ! !
When I realised started to panic about it a lot.
Just then I saw that one of the robbers went up stairs, so had a brilliant plan but it did not go that well I started to take pictures and as I went to turn the door handle and go to walk out the door he came down the stairs, I started to run but he soon caught up with, but with my luck a got away and showed all the pictures and in the end they got arrested, the big shiny diamond got taken back to the museum to go on display so in the end it all turned out to really really good in the end and I got my own way won a few medals and loads and loads of sweets IF YOU LIKE MY MADE UP STORY GO ON MY CHAT BOX AND SAY IF YOU LIKE IT OR NOT AND WHAT I CAN IMPROVE OR IN MY WORK SO I HOPE YOU ENJOYED MY LONG PIECE OF WORK ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !