
Hyenas are interesting predators found in the Safari lands of Africa. The spotted hyena is known for its distinctive laugh - like the hyenas in the lion king. After the lion , the hyena is the largest carnivore in the African Savannah. They are known for being quite dangerous to animals and human on the other hand they can be caring as they protect their cubs fiercely. They are known as scavengers as they will eat left overs - they have the most powerful jaws of the dog family. They have been known to eat lion cubs by drawing them out alone. They hunt in packs like fierce t -rexes. Also, Hyenas are known to be intelligent mammals who are sociable. Their howling cackle can sound like trapped souls. Hyenas can work together to take down preys as large as zebras and wildebeast. Female hyenas are more muscular and are in charge of the clan. Furthemore, the female hyenas are more aggressive and you should stay well away from their cubs.