Holly Collis

Tufnell Park Primary School

Carleton Road


N7 0HJ 


Tuesday 17th November 2020 

Dear Ahmed, 

Greetings My name is Holly I am from London. I am nine  year old Girl My life in London is going awesome I've been living in London for nine years now but my favorite thing to do in london is sometimes i go for walks with my mum  and my little brother harry  then when i am at home i go on disney witch is a app it has lots of movies on it that i can watch on it I like backing sometimes and when i grow up i want to be a backer.   Because I love baking so much.  Sometimes I bake cakes but i love baking lemon cakes. I really really like them so much. Even when i say it i want to eat it and bake it                                                                    

School I go to Tuffnell  park school  the name of my classroom  is  columba class my friends i have loads of friends and my favorite subject in school is Art and then i like reading sometimes and i love playing in the brand new playground  we'll  everyone really likes it very much then the  playground  as well there is brand new building everyone  likes it very much and as well there's a  sandpit that we've never had before and a pitch it's called there is to sides a and b and all new learning and all things that we've never had before and I really like both of my teachers’ very much. 

Places to visit our school for a sample Disney for the day museums paris mabe big ben. There're lots of places that  you can visit for a day or weeks or maybe months or years forever Egiptian.you can visit Paris. It's my dream to go there. It's been my dream since i was little. Very very  little when I was two years old maybe and once i saw the train that takes you to paris and a another place that you can visit countries once i went to america for two weeks it was when i was in year two so three years ago i think and  as well there is spain and as well there is if the virus didn't exist i wish then you could see your nan and grandad.                    

Book’s / toys books are really fun to read all the time books make you calm and peaceful books are clever and really fun to read everyday if you are bored toys toys are exiting lovely toys keep you active and gives you something to do if you are bored books and toys are amazing so much  

 Well it was really fun writing to you hope you have a awesome day and hope you write back to me very soon   
