My Myth
Many moons ago a boy called Chicka lived in a dark cursed jungle which was cursed by the evil sisters who tried to poison Chicka and his brother but they didn't know.The gods from the underworld told him he has a journey coming and tell him to come to the underworld quickly.So he came in a flash he travelled to the underworld with his brother who is called Manly.They were scared the god looked like a stick they were surprised by what he looked like but they said nothing about it.

The god said to him that the evil sisters had to be killed because it was for his safety.He didn't listen but the god had prove and show a circle of what they were doing they were cursing people near the village to kill Chicka.Chicka was surprised for sure and when they got home Chicka felt like killing them but it was not the right time.

The evil sisters knew he find out so they made a huge Lengandary monster and no one could kill it the sisters made a battle field half ice and half lava.The weapon Chicka used half wand and half sword the monster had one weakness ice so he stayed in the lava place Chicka won by by getting the Lengandary monster frozen solid and the curse was free all the villages was happy and Chicka killed the sisters too the sisters darkness in the sisters go in to him and his brother Manly.