The little girl
One cold and dark night there was a little girl called Emily.Her mother and father got caught in a car accident and sadly didn't make it. She lived on her own and didn't go to school, but sometimes her granny came to visit every Sunday and would play games and sometimes go out to their favourite fish and chips shop. One Sunday Emily's granny came over and she went into Emily's room and said "SURPRISE!!!" but then she stopped,Emily wasn't in her room her gran checked everywhere accept the dark, gloomy shed. She went outside into the garden to hear a crying noise coming from the shed. When she arrived at the shed the crying noise got louder and louder she looked into the window to find Emily she said "Are you ok Emily" she didn't reply. Then suddenly a screaming howling noise came from Emily like she was in pain, but no she had turned into a demon a.. monster of a thing gran ran away and put the house on the market for very cheap and everyone didn't see much of the people who bought it...........