Naomi's Amazing Journey
We waved goodbye to England (goodbye England hope to see you soon). Then we went to Bay Bisquay. That was a bad day, there was storms,always wet and mum was sea sick made me feel sick too. It made my pants we. We had to eat baked beans for lunch, it makes dad fart and his fart STINKS OF DEAD FEET (yuck). In Bay Bisqauy the boat was rocking left to right,you could ever sea mum sick moving left to right aswell.

When we arrived at Spain it was wonderful, it was hot and it dried us off and at night i watched the beautiful stars. They were MASSIVE and beautiful. Across the Alantic we saw
Dolphin's jumping across the sea and sharks tails moving,I was scared then but i moved on then. IT WAS GREAT seeing the animal, but i had to say goodbye to the Sharks and Dophins "goodbye my friends" i shouted. And i left.