"I hate packing my suitcase," said Ralph angrily.
"Why"?, said Rodrick.
Stop being so silly Ralph its a magical adventure , moaned Jeff. Mum ran in the bedroom excitedly and said
it is a magical adventure how could you not like it.
I bet it is ugly said Ralph angrily. Ralph is a nasty bully with dark hair and blue eyes. Rodrick is nice with blond hair and brown eyes. Jeff is smart with black hair and black eyes. These three kids are brothers with deferent personalities however they get well with each other. A day later the brothers got their suitcases and went on their journey but first of all they had to put their suitcases in the boot.

So mum started the engine and of they went. Once the boys arrived at the airport their mother gave them their travling card. The boys were excited about what they will find but Ralph didn't really there was such a thing as a magical forest. The boys gave their travling card to the people. The thought the planes were small but they were gigantic. Finally it was time to board the plane. It was a long way to the plane , the boys found their seats quickly and sat down nervously.
" I wonder we will find in the magical forest", said Rodrick. when the took off the boys had a feeling something awful will happen.

Two hours on the journey the plane just started to shake.
"Arrrrrrrrrr" !, shoted Jeff. All of a sudden fell through the air and crashed into a weird land. The boys came out of the plane and they were shaking. Ralph prentented not to be scared.
" Oh don't worry boys.
"but what if a monster comes " ,said Jeff . The boys saw two eyes poking out from a tree.
" What is that"?, said Jeff.The monster had white fure and razor sharp horns with blue eyes . It began running at the boys like a bull. As it was running its whole body turned red.The boys realised it was a unicorn. The unicorn ran and grabbed the boys in a fright and threw them in a mystrious cave.

The unicorn ran to the mysterious cave and checked if the boys were escaping and they were still there.the unicorn grabbed a rope as fast as a cheetah running an the unicorn wrapped the rope around the boys the boys heard somethink and cried
HELP HELP HELP! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr sho uted the unicorn. suddenly thousends of unicorns came. The boys shouted HELP! one more time and there was a helecopter in the sky with solders in it . They heard what the boys said. The helecopter landed gently on the magical froest the soiders went in the cave and attacked the unicorns.
its a battle said Ralph. only one soider killed all the unicorns and the other soilders weren't and they were suprised .The soilders took the boys on the helecopter.
I hate battles said RALPH
but it was great said Rodrick. how can you not like it ralph said jeff.

The boys were jumping. One soldier asked them where they lived and the boys told him. The sodiers dropped them off at their house. The boys rang the bell their mum popped out of the door and said
"is it Ralph, Rodrick, and Jeff "
"YES MUM! " SHOUTED the boys . The boys went in side and had a snack.
" Its good to be home again" said Ralph . They watched tv and mum was happy like her self. She had ever been sad.
"Mum the magical forest is horrible," said Ralph.
" I do not want to go there ever again," said Rodrick.
" The worst part was when plane crashed mum," said Jeff.