The Amanda Todd Story The youtuber who was bullied by men in a bad way until she commited to suicide at the age of 15 . 2 years earlier it was an ordinary day until she went on Facebook a haker go into Amandas acount to see every move until she woke up and went to sleep and only found out she was haked 3 weeks later.When she found out she did not tell anyone accept on youtube it was like a blackout she was there holding up these cards saying what he had done to her.Which was more than bullying,But 1 month later her mum and dad was going to the country side thats when that man stopped and another began,But then amandawanted to check out the place.But when he pushed her into hay and mud and there Amanda was sitting by the sea looking out and thinking why cant she be like a normal person.Her dad found her in the mud and hay,But she said that she fell.Amanda's dad got a towel for her Amanda didn't want to tell her dad what actually happened because of any stress,Suddenly when it went to far for a 15 year old poor Amanda Todd commited to suicide.

Thats the Amanda Todd Story

By Regan