The Dark chamber

Obeying the dark's voice Lazlo entered the dark basement or should we call it the Dark, Dusty Chamber.

Lazlo forced his paralyzed leg forward. All he could see was blackness and the cold stone walls that seemed to be contracting. He swallowed gallons of blood like saliva that filled his tummy. It was like being in a complete vacuum where the light is deceiving the mere rules of life. But the dark on the other hand the Dark was cruel and clever. He forced Lazlo to come and visit him but poor Lazlo, little does he knows what his curiosity is leading him to.

Lazlo's heart was a beating drum and his teeth were chattering so fiercely that he was 'fraid it might shatter. Lazlo followed the dusty ground that finally ended, he was bewildered for a moment or two as he didn't. Surprisingly the DARKS voice called out " Lazlo! Lazlo! look beside you..."

Lazlo- with full confidence - spied at the golden chest. Lazlo admire the carving that were struck on it. As he stared at the magnificent coffin Lazlo realized that the words were written in Greek, unfortunately he didn't know it.

"Hang on! what is happening?" he said look at the coffin "Its now written in English "

The riddle said-

open the coffin I dare you to

what is your ideal gift - light or dark

dark is deceiving and the light is loyal

if you open your sin will judge whether to unlock light or dark.

he opens it and unleashes the horror of the dark.