100 word challenge
The magic egg
One sunny morning a 10 year old polite girl called Chloe was walking down the street to school .(She goes Tufnell Park Primary school) .As she was walking to school she saw a poster on the wall that said " There is going to be a Easter egg hunt on this road contact us by email". Chloe ran home as fast as she could. She didn't really care if she was late for school. So she rang her door bell and her mum said " why aren't you at school" Chloe replied with excitement " I just saw this poster in the street it was on the wall". " WOW do you want to go to it" Chloe's mum replied "Of course mum"!. "Ok go to school then", " Bye mum". When Chloe came back from school her mum said "Get some sleep because you have a big day tomorrow. It was the morning and Chloe was getting ready to go. When she got there people was starting to do the hunt. So while they was doing it the man gave her a basket also he said she should find a golden egg. Chloe started going round the grass but I couldn't find the egg.