Delphinus Class Autumn Newsletter.

  Welcome to all our new parents and carers. Your children are already settling really well into their Year 1 class. We look forward to the year ahead.

  Some of our work is Topic-based, and the current Topic is ‘Homes’ with an emphasis on Art and History. To support our work we will be going to the Geffrye Museum on Tuesday 15th October. A letter with all the information will be sent out nearer the time. They have a good website if you are interested:

  We expect children to bring their PACT folder every day. We have daily Reading sessions in class, but their Pact books will be changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We hope you will continue to read regularly with your child at home, and would love you to sometimes write a comment in the Yellow Reading Record book.

  Homework will be sent home every Friday. It is a short activity to do with your support, and will be Maths or Writing or Topic-based. It can be returned any time in the following week.

  Library visits continue on alternate Thursdays. We set off at 1.45 and return at 2.30. We are always delighted to have one or two extra adults to help us. So please let us know if you can come along on any of those visits.

  We have 2 P.E. sessions each week. On Mondays (for this term only) we have Dance with a specialist teacher, and another general session on Thursdays. Children can wear P.E. kit if they want, but it is not compulsory.

  Please ensure your child’s clothes are labelled clearly. After our first P.E. session we found 17 unlabelled tops!  Also, children in Year 1 are expected to be able to dress themselves independently. If they wear shoes with laces they must be taught how to tie them at home.

  The Star of the Day will bring home Luke the Bear or Molly the Mole in a bag. Please write/draw something in the book provided, with your child, so we can all enjoy looking at it the next day.

  Finally, a reminder that Toys are not to be brought into the class, unless specifically requested. They are already creeping in and causing upsets. It is better that they are enjoyed at home.

  Let us know if you have any other queries. We are very happy to answer any questions. Yours, Kim Brimacombe and Bethany (classroom assistant.)