Off we go saying good by to England and watching grandmother crying as we leave, We had no idea when we were ever going to come back. I started to miss all the toys and friends I'd left behind and we had only been gone for about 10 hours.

About 10 days into our journey around the world we reached Spain and the Bay of Bisquay the storms there were horrible every night the storms seemed to get even worse. We were wet and damp every day it even felt like the inside of my sleeping bag was wet, even though there were some days that we could dry our clothes but they weren't often! Mum was getting a little bit sea sick after a while it was so bad she actually stayed in the cabin all day. There were a lot of different types of sea creatures but the bad thing about that was that mum made me draw at least twenty different types a day. Dad was now skipper of the ship because mum was really sea sick now, even though dad kept asking her are your sure you don't want to stop at Spain to get you better again, but all she said was NO!! We're now sailing over the Atlantic ocean to Brazil where we are going to play football on the beach and dad said he would be Brazil and I wanted us to be the mudlarks.

I can now see the port of Brazil and the enormous beaches stretched all the way along the shore I'm now so exited. The whistles gone and the games started eleven players on each team, We scored first at half time the score was 3-2 to Brazil but we we
ren't going to let them win! We score again now the score is 3-3 and there are 5 minutes left and I get the ball and dribble past two players and I score and the final whistle goes. It was the best match I've ever played! Now we're leaving Brazil after getting mum checked out at the docter it was sad leaving the friends I'd made but I took it the best I could. We're on the way to Cape Town and I'm seeing dolphins swimming up next to the boat and turtles everywhere, and mum says I'm getting better at drawing them every time. Mums now sea sick again but not as bad as before and the good thing is we've nearly run out of baked beans which means we'll be able to fish in the sea. There are no more storms it's just really hot every night and I've decided not to sleep in my sleeping bag. Doing navigation is really fun now because the stars are so bright in the sky and the moon is full every night. I asked my mum the morning how long have we been going for and she said we left at September the 13 and it's now february the 2 so how long do you think they've been going for?

More next week by Finn

Off we go!