Hey guys its me Regan and a couple of days ago me and my sister Brooke tried a ton of American sweets I mean CANDY my favourite was a chocolate bar called Hersheys cookie and creme yes I know the spelling of cream is wierd and its Milk chocolate with like the most biggest chocolate chips in their London work on that!!!! So me and Orpa talked on Thursday and she is going to add me on her Blog on Friday this week I will leave Orpas blog and my blog down below.BYE ;)

Orpa's weekly Blog (1) Introduction

Hello, I am Orpa in End bay!This is my weekly blog as you must off guessed from the title. I accidently did a blog straight away and didn't introduce myself.So in this blog I am going to do just that.So let's get started!First of all, I am hopefully going to be uploading a blog every single Wednesday about everything I my life like for example, minecraft, my holidays, school life and even more!Now, lets talk about myself! My name is Orpa, I am the the second to last youngest person in my class.I am from bangladesh. I am a shopaholic,chocaholic also I absolutely love my school because its got lots of kind friends,friendly staff and an amazing playground and I am also a muslim. I am a school council rep so if I start to talk about school council stuff you will know why!I wanted to tell you about my friends but maybe they don't want to be in my blogs so I will probably tell you about my lovely friends in another blog maybe, if I remember about it!This blog is getting a bit to long for me and if it's not long for sorry but I am going to end it here. I will hopefully be blogging next week so in the mean while....... BYE!!! from me! (for now anyways)

Hi my name is Regan

So me and Orpa are doing weekly blogs Orpa's

already started hers so next week we are going

to colide and it's going to be reallly exciting.

We are going to do every Friday,But we'll talk

about it so I hope you enjoy our blogs for 2015.


mine is short