I was in the car with my mum driving to school when suddenly i saw a mysterious cat walking to the other side of the road in the park it was orange and fluffy it was so cute i loved it i wished i had it i took it home but it was crying and i took it into my room it jumped on my bed and was walking around me then it jumped of it and went into my mum s room i quickly took it out of my mum s room and it stared to cry so i picked it up and i took it outside and i let it go it run away the next morning it came to my house and wanted me to play with it but i could not because i had to go to school it followed me to school it came in my class my teacher wanted me to take it outside so i did when school was done it followed me home and some lady came looking for a cat i said it is this one and the lady said yes thank you for finding my cat.
the end...