The Mysterious Key -100 WC.

She lifted the lid, full of excitement. Henry was a person full of bravery, and tough with the many adventures she had been through. her real name wasn't really Henry, but she would never answer to her real name, Henrietta. she tried to be a boy in every way and looked like a boy too. As she lifted the lid, she looked unexpectedly at the..the..the.........key? She looked in disapointment and bewilderment. What would the key fit into? She looked around. There was no door to fit it into. Henry through the key on the floor in a temper. "Stupid key!I didn't

come all this way to find you!" She looked more carefully at the key. It looked very unusual.

Their was some writing on it. she rubbed it to get the dust of. At once their was a whooshing noise and a magical door appeared shimmering in front of her. The fitted the key into the lock. It opened! where would it lead to?