princess : kind, loving
prince :kind, loving
Cinderella wants to go to the ball so much "so you shall!" said a voice. "Abra .....
Cinderella goes off to the ball and has a gorgeous time. She ...................
she has a wonderfull time at the ball ..........
she dances with the prince ........................
ate lots of food ...............................................................................................................................................................................
then the clock went dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong!
"Oh no!I have to go" she said. And she ran off, scattering her shoes as she went, while her dress turned back to rags.
"Did you just see a beautiful girl?" asked the prince to a guard. "No," he replied "I saw a girl but she was just a maid "
cinderrella is not happy
The prince is desperate to find the lady then he finds one of her shoes. He says "The person who fits this shoe I really enjoyed getting to know and would very much like to see again"
"It fits!" cried Cinderella, "hooray!" And they all lived happily ever after.