Forest School
Every class took part in
forest school acivity. Some children made tree cookies to wear, and others were really creative and made dens
on the mount. We all had great fun!

Celebrating the Opening of our 'New'
We were so excited that our new school was finally finished that we decided to hold a week of celebrations to mark this special occasion! It was packed with fantastic activities, and lots of visitors were invited into school...........
Craft sessions
Craft sessions
Mrs Mackie organised craft sessions for KS1 and KS2. All of the activities were linked to the theme of nature. Parents were invited to attend, and a fun and relaxing time was held by all! We produced some impressive pieces of art and some of these will be on show around our new school.
Play and Stay in Foundation!
Parents of our foundation children were invited
to 'play and stay' with their children. The fun just kept
on coming!!
Circus Skills
All of the school were given the opportunity to learn some circus skills.......
Each class took part in a 'Young Enterprise' activity. The challenge was to make, promote and sell products, linked to our new school. Every class took up the challenge to raise the most money for 'Destiny African Choir,' and win an afternoon of golden time! Lord Sugar would have been very proud of us.....
Enterprise Activity
On the last day, Miss Mason led a very special assembly;
lots of important visitors joined us, to help
officially open our new school! Each class contibuted to this
assembly; thinking about different aspects of Cheswick Green
and what our school means to us. Some of year 6 took our visitors
on a guided tour....
Special Assembly
The official opening!
The youngest and oldest children of the school were given the privelege of cutting the ribbon before we each released a balloon to celebrate the official opening
of our new school!!
Mrs Harrison helped every child in the school to plant a bulb in the school grounds, as a lasting reminder of this special occasion. Mr Radford also organised for every children to add a handprint onto a special piece of art.