We would like to say a great big thank you to everyone who helped to make our school so wonderful and amazing!  Dear designers,  Thank you designers of our school its fabulous and we love our class room.  We thank you for making the class rooms fair.We all love our school, we appreciate what you have done. We will respect our school all the time and love the design of our new school.  We love our school, from Chloe and Macy from 3c    Dear Miss Mason  I am writing to you on behalf of year 3 and everyone else to say thank you for organising our new school and choosing where all the new furniture goes in our brand new school, it is brilliant. We love the new equipment and the new shed its much more cleaner and better than the old one,we can t wait to get on the school field again. We all must look after it. From Eddie      Dear Mantons/Builders,  I am writing you this letter on behalf of the children of Cheswick Green school to say a HUGE thank you for our fantastic new school. The children love the new equipment,(especially the young children) the new classroom s and the brand new playground. We can t wait to go on the field once the new grass has grown, but the best bit is the whole school.  from Joseph 3C Dear Governors,  I am writing to say a big thank you for telling us great ideas for are beautiful building.All your hard work and effort has helped make our school way bigger and better.  We all enjoy then wonderful ICT room with the computers and the amazing projector.We are all going to look after our fantastic school. During the school build you helped Miss Mason decide what equipment we would need in our brand new school.  From Molly/Year 3.  Dear the staff of Cheswick Green,  I am writing to you to say thank you for keeping us safe while the building work was going on and for helping us to get a lovely new school.  Throughout the building work you have kept us safe when the builders were knocking down the glass in the old hall and when the trucks were coming though the big playground. We were kept safe your were a big help which we really appreciate. Thank you, From Jessica / Year 3  Dear children of Cheswick green school,  I am writing this letter to you to say thank you. During the building work there was a lot of disruption, you listened to staff, kept safe and you were very well behaved . Now the school is safe, we have lots of space to play and you helped to keep everyone safe. Now you don t have to wait for the gates to close due to trucks coming through the playground, you were excellent!   I thank you for being sensible,  from Harry year 3