Teacher Spotlight This terms teacher spotlight is Mr Lawrence
8) How long have you been teaching?
About 8 years

9) What is your favourite colour?

10) Do you have any pets?
I did have a gold fish when i was younger
1) What is your favourite thing about this school?
The children

2) On a scale of 1 to 10 how much will you miss this school?
It would have to be 10

3) What's your favourite movie?
The Goonies

4) What do you like doing in your spare time?
Watching and playing sports

5) What is your favourite sport?

6) What is your favourite food?
Christmas Dinner

7) What lesson do you really like to teach?

We wish Mr Lawrence all the best in his new school and future career and would like to thank him for his hard work and commitments, both in and out of the classroom. He will be missed!