Year 5
This term we have been writing newspaper reports. We identified newsworthy stories that have impacted us, the school and local community. What do you think?
One Heck of A Hall

Year 5 and 6 will be going to Condover
Hall on the 20th - 25th May.  Everyone is looking forward to this excursion.  This residential trip is for learning and having fun. Everybody in the classes are looking forward to it.

Mr Lawrence, who has been to Condover Hall twice ,thinks that Zorbing and the leap of Faith are the best. He thinks this is best residential trip, because it is only one hour away. The year five teacher stated, "The facilities are fantastic because they are very new and they had only been there for one year."

The residential trip is about team building, facing fears and having fun, as well as getting on well with one another. The chidlren are travelling on Hollywood Travel coaches, which will take one hour.
Joseph, aged 9 who is going to Condover Hall is one of the lucky year 5s who get to have such an extraordinary experience. “I’m really   looking forward to Condover Hall as there are lots of fun activities. I’m especially looking forward to activities such as Zorbing and laser maze” quoted Joseph.

BBC Radio 2 500 word competition is back
Radio 2 is hosting a competition for children in the UK under the age of 13. They want to see all young writers stories and they will read every single persons work.
The Judges:
Lots of children at Cheswick Green Primary school have entered.
Mrs Mitchell, who teaches year 6, said, "The children have a good chance of winning because we have some great writers." She also said that the children have fantastic vocabulary. If Mrs Mitchell was younger she would definitely enter the competition!
Sam, who is 9 years old, was one of the children that took part in the 500 words competition.The year 5 pupil enjoyed writing his story and after editing it he was really happy with it. "Unfortunately, I still don't think I have a chance of winning!" he exclaimed. However he think one of his friends has a good chance of winning.

  Our year 5 and 6 classes are the second lucky classes that get to have such an amazing opportunity. This allows year 5 and 6 to experience once in a life time opportunities                                           
The Year 5 Chronicle
Awesome Athletics
Solihull College held an fantastic athletics competition for 7 different schools on Wednesday 6th February.There were 2 sessions and so 14 schools could enter.

Year 5s P.E. teacher Mrs Ross organised this event for Year 5 to go and have fun and to test themselves against one another.

Mrs Ross, who organised this event, said that her favourite part of was seeing Ben, a Cheswick Green year 5,zooming through the under over relay. “Cheswick  Green did really well considering that they were the youngest there and they didn’t have a hall or field to practice on.

Andy, who is 10 years of age, would have liked to take part in the triple jump because he thought it would be a brilliant sport. “I really enjoyed taking part and really liked it, when my dad came in to watch me in the javelin” exclaimed Andy.
The best building!
 Cheswick Greens new school building is now near completion.This may have affected the children’s education but it gives them pleasant classrooms to work in. This new school building was built because the old school building was falling apart.

Miss Mason, who has been involved with the new school building, thinks that the new school building is perfect in every way. The head teacher said, "It's very hard to get everybody organised, especially when there is a class moving into a different class room."
Martin the manager of the new school building site quotes that he worried for the children safety, all the time from 7:30 to 5:00. He said recently there had been a problem with the hall floor, causing a six week delay.

                                                                   Annabel, who is a year 4 pupil, is unhappy about working in the art room because it is so cramped. "I'm looking forward to moving into my new classroom" she exclaimed.
All reports written by Year 5!