Cheswick Green Additional Support Group
This is a new parent and school venture and will work to strengthen links between school and home. The group will be facilitated by myself supported by Tracy Inman who will be the main parent link. We have Guest Speakers and Professionals visit our group regularly!

Our next meetings will be:
March 11th
April 22nd
May 13th

Tea and Coffee and cake
doors open from 9.15am


In each edition of Cheswick Goes Chatty, Debbie Arnold, our School and Community Mentor will focus on different aspects of services and support in our local community. If you would like help or information specific to your family, Debbie will be happy to meet you, at a time that is convenient to you. Please speak to the School Office to arrange an appointment.

Focus on....

School Healthy Snack Shop
Our School Snack Shop is up and running now and has been raising money for the school.

This project is sponsored by Tescos and allows children across Junior years the opportunity to be involved in the decision making, marketing, production and selling of healthy snacks at morning playtime, once a month.

So far a total of £60 has been raised by pupils in Years 3 and 5. To date the Snack Shop has produced, 'Mixed Berry' Muffins and 'Ginger & Wholemeal' Cookies.

Year 6 will be heading the Snack Shop for March - so please support this initiative, the items are only 40p and healthy and delicious.
