Year 4 Year 4
The heart
In science Ariet's mum came in to
teach us about the heart and how and
how to look after it.
We enjoyed a Road Safety
workshop presented by MOMO and we all
thought it was really funny. We learnt how
to keep safe while walking or biking or skootering.

In Literacy we acted out how we felt at different stages of 'Ice Palace'
In Numeracy we learnt about capacity and set up our own investigation
This term our topic has been 'Is our lifestyle healthier than the Egyptians?' We have really enjoyed everything we have learnt so far. We know so much more about how to keep healthy and have a healthy lifestyle.
Road Safety! World Book Day!
We created an
investigation in Science to help Simon Cowell with his yellow teeth! We found out that the best liquid to drink is water followed by milk.
Chinese New Year
We celebrated Chinese new year and
we made Chinese lanterns and Chinese
On world book day we dressed up as different
characters from different books. We also grouped
in fours and had to act a scene from a book. We all
really enjoyed World Book Day.
As part of our main topic Egypt we learnt about the famous king Tutankhamun and we found out that Howard Carter and Lord Canarvan were the ones who found him. Also Howard Carter came in and we asked questions to him about what it was like when he found Tutankhamun. ( Some of us thought Mr Lawrence came dressed up as Howard Carter!)