Our Egyptian Projects
3c and 4s have been doing a project about Egypt we had 3 topics to chose from the first one was gods and goddess the second one was pharoahs and the last one was on mummies.I did mummies I found it quite fun to do, the other people did other topics.
It was very exiting when we showed our project.I think George worked really hard on his project.
My mum and dad came in
Year 3 and 4 came into year 3's classroom to learn about the brain and a bit about heart. We were given a little piece of paper we got to stand up if we thought it was really fun and we went in between the table and I was bad food the energy to take the bad food away. At the end we got to ask things that we wanted to know and this is a fact the brain is soft and the heart is hard year 3 and 4 really liked it. We really enjoyed it. by Jessica

My mum came in as well!
My mum came in to talk about the heart. She said if you eat unhealthy food your arteries will be blocked. Everybody enjoyed it and at the end we asked some questions . The heart is really important it keeps your body going and pumps blood around it.
by Ariet

What s been happening in Year 3 this term?
Year 3 did a healthy snack shop for all key stage 2.We made wholemile cookies we had to ask who wanted to buy a wholemile cookie there were lots of people.On Wednesday we made our cookies we made about 52 cookies and on Thursday we all could buy one for 50p there was another lot so we got some overall we made £25 72p we had a great time making cookies!
fruit smootheis
bird watching  On Tuesday we learnt about bird watching also  Sam s mum came in and helped us.   We went on to the field and searched for birds we only found a pigeon,  black bird and magpie. We had play time after only a few minutes. By Leo
Road safety
In assembly we got a surprise! it was that two funny men came in and talked about road safety they said "that if we keep on polluting the air it will ruin our planet" STOP POLLUTING! Lydia 3c
on Wednesday we made a fruit smoothies in year 3 and 4 and they were nice. some people had different fruit like strawberries,bananas and grapes me and logan cut our fingers and it hurt.
it was funny.the year 4s took quite quick . by jacob rutherford