Building progress Mr  Proudfoot

What does the role entail?

It is the role of the Chair to lead the team of 14 other governors as they work with Miss Mason to ensure that everyone is kept safe and that the children are provided with the best possible education. This involves spending wisely the money which the government provides for the running of the school and making sure there are always sufficient teachers and class-room assistants who are giving each child the opportunity to perform at his/her best.
What have been the most enjoyable aspects of the role?
I have gained much satisfaction from helping to resolve the various problems that have been faced from time to time.
What have been the most challenging aspects of the role?
When I led a small group of governors to choose a new head teacher following the retirement of Mr Birch, I was aware that the appointment of the wrong person could adversely affect the ethos, well-being and performance of the school for many years. The appointment of a head teacher is possibly the most challenging activity undertaken by a governor.
What top tips would you give the next Chair of Governors?
Mrs Smith has been a governor for some time and I believe that she will be a good Chair without any tips from me. However, my tips for any new Chair would be to build a good working relationship with the Head Teacher and to keep in touch with the life of the school.
What do you like best about Cheswick Green Primary School?

There is so much! It is a very friendly place where people genuinely care about each other and where the child children are (usually) well-behaved. I am proud to be associated with the school.

Mr Proudfoot, who has been Chair of Governors for 14 years at our school, has recently stepped down from this role. Whilst Mr Proudfoot will continue to support the school on the governing body, we wanted to find out a bit more about the important role that he has played as Chair of Governors.
An update from Miss Mason regarding the modernisation and extension of our school......

The last term has involved us in lots of preparation for the building work at our school. The final designs have been completed, many of the materials have been chosen and the project has gone to tender.
It now seems most likely that building on the site will start as soon as we return to school in January. This is a little disappointing as we thought the building would have started by now but, with final details still to be sorted, this is probably for the best.
Although the main contractor has been chosen, I am not able to issue their name at the time of preparing this article. I do know though that they have done lots of school projects and are used to working alongside school staff and children. One of their most recent projects was at a Solihull Primary School and it was very successful. I am really looking forward to meeting the building team who will be spending about a year working with us.
Some of the choices of materials have been exciting to make but also a little daunting at times. The new panels on the outside of the school are guaranteed for thirty years so the right decision had to be made. I will not spoil the surprise by telling everybody what colour we have chosen, except to say it is not orange! The building will look very different and far more modern both outside and inside. The new double glazed windows will all include some coloured glass and have lovely wooden frames on the inside. Every classroom will have its own entrance, own cloakroom and a canopy.
I am very excited about being able to watch our new school building being created before our eyes. We are aiming for it being one of the best primary school buildings in Solihull.

Carol Mason




We thank Mr Proudfoot for all of his hard work as Chair of Governors and for supporting the school for such a long time in this important role.