Early last term, an author called Jason Moss, who has just written his first book came in to our school to to share it with us. The book is called 'Smell and Bogey and the Magic Carpet.' It is about two funny friends called Smell and Bogey that go on different and exciting adventures together. They both live in a carpet and anything that gets dropped on the carpet is brought to life.Everyone really enjoyed the extracts shared with us and we hope this book is first of many!

Author Visitor
Questions that we asked Jason Moss:

Do you have any famous friends?
I work on a radio show and so present with Olly from Touch FM and Ben and Louise on Touch FM. But no one really really famous.
Where did your inspiration for writing the book come from?
I was watching an episode of Spongebob Square Pants before I went to bed and when I woke up an idea for a story and all the characters were in my head.
Did you want to write stories when you were younger?
Well sort of because when I was younger I was always telling stories and making up ghostly tales to keep me friends occupied during wet summer holidays.
How do you feel when people read your book?
When I heard from my co-worker that whilst working in Devon he’d spotted a child reading my book in a local bookshop I was amazed and I felt happy and joyful. It’s truly a very special thing to inspire someone to read.
Who is you favourite author?
My favourite author is definitely Roald Dahl because he is so creative, wacky and weird with fantastic ideas. He’s my biggest influence.
This book can be purchased through Amazon!