Kampala Children Centre
Kampala Children's Centre (K C C)
is home to The Destiny Africa Choir.
The choir is made up of orphaned children who now live at the
With the support and encouragement of Arnold Muwonge, the Director and founder of Kampala Children Centre, the choir started with the house mother and children of the very first house at KCC! Now Destiny Africa has become a voice for millions of suffering children in Africa and over the world, a channel that brings healing, joy and hope to a desperate world.
Through their music and art, they are influencing church leaders, leaders of nations, the corporate world and inspiring fellow children.

Back in September, we were fortunate to have Destiny Africa,come to spend half a day with us and perform a selection of songs and dances.
A house mother and a handful of children at Kampala Children's Centre, got together and started to sing about their life and faith. Within one year, there were enough talent and passion to form a choir!

They were amazing singers and dancers! To watch them perform was a great opportunity for everyone at Cheswick Green School! It is amazing how all the children come from difficult and deprived backgrounds and yet have formed this fantastic choir!
National School Meal Week
Also a similar salad was part of the school lunch on that day.
At the end of the school day, years 5 and 6 shared what they had being doing with the rest of the school. They had all had a fantastic time!

To celebrate National School Meal week, we were lucky enough to get a chance for years 5 and 6 to get Idris, who is a chef from the Academy of Culinary Arts, to work with the children.
Idris showed the children a presentation about the five important food groups to remind them about
the importance of a balanced diet. He then worked
with the children to prepare a salad, talking to them about the safe use of kitchen tools. Each
child took a salad home and hopefully enjoyed it with their tea!
Did you Know?
You have 10,000 taste buds.
You need to try something at least 10-20 times before you like it.
It is better if you try your food before you add salt.