On the 13th of October, years 5 and 6 went to see the old and new Coventry Cathedral.
The new Cathedral
The new cathedral was big and well decorated. In one of the rooms, there was a huge, black cross stuck to the ceiling and they said that if there was ever world peace, they would paint it white. Then he said to stand around the edges of the rooms and he handed us golf balls and said to drop them. They all rolled into the middle, where a stone dove laid, to represent reconciliation. We then went to the entrance of the Cathedral and spoke about the huge window that overlooked us. There were four different colours: Red = Fire, Blue = the Ocean, Green = Grass and Yellow = Sun.
The old Cathedral
The old Cathedral was amazing. It had old statues of people who were sad about the war and didn't want it to start. There was old ruin and rock of where columns had once been. We were told about four men who stood on the roof trying to put out the incendiary bombs. We had a lot of fun during the time that we were there.

'I learnt that it was very hard for the people in the war and it must have been horrible.I learnt how they would of used the bath. I found out how they worked in school,and that churchill risked Coventry for London.'

'When we went to Coventry cathedral the pictures and the artifacts were just awesome. I like what it felt like in the bomb shelters, it was just an amazing visit.'

'When I went to Coventry Cathedral I learnt about the old Cathedral when it was being bombed.We stood in the ruins and talked about what it would of been like. When I went in the new Cathedral I saw a cross which had been made out of two nails after the bombing had finished. I enjoyed the day in Coventry.'

'I learnt how they use to live and what it was like to be a part of the war. We looked at both the old and new Cathedral and we saw that they are very important buildings.'
Years 5 and 6 Coventry Cathedral visit
By Alex Pettifer
By Matthew Tattersfield
By Vicky Slim
By Lauren Slater