Years 3 & 4

We have found out about the different city-states in Ancient Greece and designed posters to persuade people who had the best city.

Year 4 researched their own area of Ancient Greek history in groups so that they could to write a class information book. We presented our pages to the class.
We had a special creative Literacy week when Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Bartley came to work with us! It was lots of fun! We shared the story Ancient Greek story of the Chimera. We acted it out and told the story to each other.

Years 3 and 4 helped Mrs Terry to make and decorate over 150 biscuits for Children In Need! Every single biscuit was sold meaning that we raised over £130!!
Thankyou to everyone that bought our biscuits and to Mrs Terry for helping us!
Mrs Arnold and Mrs Varley came in to help us learn about the story of St Paul as part of our R.E lessons-we really enjoyed making 'hands of friendship' with them.
This term, Years 3 and 4 have been learning all about
The Ancient Greeks.
In Numeracy, we have been doing lots of practical work on weighing and measuring!
We designed and made our own drinks with carefully measured ingredients
We have written our names in Ancient Greek writing.
We found out about The Battle of Marathon and designed our own shields and pots. We found out lots about Ancient Greek soldiers!!!
In D&T we have been tasting different sandwich fillings.
We surveyed people at home to find out what the most popular fillings are.
We interpreted our data into graphs which helped us to design our own sandwich to sell at our Greek museum in December. We used spreadsheets in ICT to help us to calculate how much they would cost to make.
In art and design we have looked at the use of masks in Ancient Greek theatre and designed and made our own masks out of mod roc and clay! It was lots of fun!
We then wrote our own versions of the story which were fantastic!!
Thank you to Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Bartley for helping us-we learnt lots of new writing tricks!!
We've enjoyed doing cooking with Mrs Harrison.