CHESWICK GREEN: So Ena, you were an evacuee from WW2, what was the bombing like?

ENA HEMUS: Terrible. You had to run to the Anderson shelter once the whining of the siren started at around 7 o’clock. There were stairs that led you down
underground and you couldn’t come out until the deeper sounding siren wailed.

CG: How old were you when you were evacuated?

EH: I was about 4 years old.

CG: Did you go with anyone?
EH: No.

CG: What did you take?

EH: You could only take the essentials; torch, blanket, flask, book and a change of clothes.

CG: How did you travel?

EH: By train.

CG: How long did you stay at your aunts?

EH: 6 years

CG: Did the war affect your health?

EH: Yes. Because of the dust I now have serious asthma.
We have been learning about WORLD WAR 2 this term and as part of our learning, we interviewed Jack Hemus' nan, Ena, who was evacuated from Birmingham to Earlswood. Her brother was moved to Evesham so she went to live with her aunt, whom she hadn't met, alone.
We had a mad scientist called Professor Ivan Gud Idea helping us with our science this
term. At the start of the year we had a competition to draw him. There were two scientists, Ivan Gud Idea and his brother Ivan Bad Idea.
Year 5
In D+T with Mrs Mackie we have been making scaled-down versions of air-raid shelters. We worked hard making them strong and waterproof. We used different techniques to build them.