Our Very Own Plastic
Bottle Greenhouse!
 Eco Schools    Food for Life
 Cheswick Green children have been growing their own fruit and vegetables in the school gardens over the last few years and now need a greenhouse!
In the summer term we are planning on building a greenhouse using as much recycled materials as possible. As part of the structure, the glass panels will be made using 2 litre plastic bottles therefore we require at least 1500 bottles! Can you help us by collecting these fizzy drink
An example of the bottles will be on display in the main entrance and also by the Parent Notice Board by the school gates. Start collecting your bottles but please do not send any bottles into school until we request them after the Easter break.
If you are able to help or are willing to donate any materials e.g. garden canes, gravel, slabs please speak to Mrs Chana or Mrs Seickell.
Green Warriors
need your help!

100g cooked potatoes
1 spring onion
2 heaped table spoons frozen peas
2 level tablespoons grated parmesan cheese
2 eggs
Pinch of ground black pepper
Sunflower oil
5 French beans
1/2 red pepper finely chopped

How to make a Frittata

Break the two eggs, one at a time, into the cup and beat lightly with a fork. Pour the beaten eggs into the mixing bowl and add a pinch of pepper. Stir until all of the ingredients are mixed together.

Take the ovenproof dish and brush inside with sunflower oil. Pour the mixture into the dish then place the dish on the baking tray.

Put in a pre-heated oven at 180ºC fan/ 200ºC/ gas 6 for 15-20 minutes, or until completely set. Once your frittata has cooled down slightly, you can eat it!
Start by putting the potatoes in a greaseproof bag and use a rolling pin to bash them until they are crushed into small pieces. (If you dont have a greaseproof bag, you can do this in a large bowl.)

Empty the crushed potatoes into the bowl and add the chopped asparagus, French beans, spring onion, peppers peas. You can cut up the asparagus and spring onions with clean scissors.

Tear the mint leaves into small pieces and add to the bowl. Add the grated Parmesan too and stir it all together.
This recipe has kindly been provided by Wilcook