As a way of celebrating World Book Day we organised a day where we could dress up as our favourite book characters, from Bart Simpson (See if you can spot him!) to Spiderman. Loads of people put in a lot of effort and we thank all those that helped in the costumes, you helped make World Book Day a day to remember!
We also had a book swap, if anyone had any books they no longer wanted, they brought them into school and they could swap with someone else. Hundreds of books were brought in and put on tables. It was great fun! It gave children the opportunity to discover new
books and authors. Also, each of the children were given a £1 book token to use in many
different shops.
This scheme was set up to encourage children to
read more often. For every book you finish you
get a sticker and when you've filled the
bookmark you get a certificate, Bronze first, then Silver, then Gold, etc. We hope that this project will open children's eyes to the amazing world of books!
The Bookmark Challenge!