Jonas edged closer. Closer. Thrusting his way through the old branches. Closer. Closer. Stepping into the yew tree, he began the wait. Waiting for the lightning. The deadly lightning. He wouldn t have been there if Taron hadn t of challenged Thea to be the chief.  BANG!! The lightning struck in less than a second, tearing him up into the tiniest molecules. Falling. Falling... William McGuinness 6CM Jonas stood there clueless.The tree was shaped like a hand Jonas stood on the palm. Knowing his fate,Jonas took a deep breath and closed his eyes.CLAP,SUCK those were the sounds Jonas heard before appearing in a land of light.He stared up into the sky and he saw a hovering ball of light . He stared in awe,it was the sun.... he hadn t felt this warmth for ages. Jonas peered into a field of pure colour. Jonas was captivated he had never seen so much colour in his life.He saw a glimpse of his future what it could have been like and he realised what he had been missing........ Zara Smart 6CM
This project provided lots of opportunities for the children to really appreciate how to structure stories through a range of enjoyable and interactive learning experiences. The outdoor environment proved inspirational in generating ideas and unleashing the children's imagination...
We are really proud of the quality of writing produced by every child over the course of this project. Here are some extracts from the children's final piece of writing......
All of a sudden Jonas grabbed the device and smashed it to pieces. Then the adults cowered away like frightened rabbits. From out of nowhere, his shadow reappeared. He saw a boy coming along  the path. Jonas knew it was Taron...... At that moment, he realised that Taron really had tricked him into coming into this new world. They began to fight and Jonas managed somehow to trap his shadow. Taron knew that with no shadow he was powerless so he cowered away. Harry Colebrook 6CM Jonas cautiously walked though the mount. Alone. All alone. Absolutely no one except for him. All he could hear was lightning striking the ground at hundreds of miles an hour. Bang, Bang, Bang! Jonas was about to turn back but the determination he had , made him go on. The yew tree was in his sight. Looking around, Jonas realised how dangerous it was. Jonas clambered onto the yew tree feeling a mixture of fear and excitement. How long would it be until he would be reunited with his sister?                 One bang and he would be gone. Bang! Jack Gaughan 5L
Creeping towards the twisted Yew Tree, Jonas nervously felt the squelching mud beneath his feet. Closer and closer he went. He came face to face with the spiral shaped, fingers of the Yew Tree. The sound of thunder ROARED through the air and down came a bolt of lightning. Bright flashes were crowding him. He felt terrified.
Ruby Lucock 5L
As soon as he woke, he found himself in a strange room. Flashing lights, Shouts of happiness, and bangs of excitement. He saw his sister's favourite necklace. He went over to her and tried to squeeze past the body guards but they wouldn't let him past. And again, he felt himself shrinking again. This time he started to get the hang of what was going on. He looked down to the ground and saw himself melting into his frightful shadow!
Hannah Gaffney 5L