What else has been happening in Year 4....?
Half term projects.

Following our trip to Birimingham Museum and Art Gallery, Year 4 completed half term projects on Mummification. Everybody enjoyed their projects and completed some fantastic work!! Miss Baxter certainly enjoyed reading them too!!
Food tasting
As part of our topic work, Year 4 have enjoyed tasting some of the fruits that would have been eaten by the Ancient Egyptians, these included pomegranates watermelon, grapes, figs and dates! Some of us had not tried some of these fruits before!!
Art with Mrs Mackie
Mrs Mackie has been teaching Year 4 about how feelings and emotions are shown in artwork, The class then thought about Invasion based on the story of RA.
They created artwork using ICT to show the feelings of invasion.
Information Book

Over the last term, 4B have been investigating Information Texts. Working in groups, the class are producing their own Information Book about The Ancient Egyptians!!

We cannot wait until it is finished and we can share all of our hard work at our Health Roadshow.
Story Writing

After reading The Ice Palace by Robert Swindells, year 4 created their own Imaginary World stories.