MORE Football!

Mr Lawrence has football practices for our school team after school on Monday! Every new school year he picks a new team out of Years 5 and 6.

Even MORE football this time, but this time Years 2-6 can come and join in the fun! On Thursday after school Aston Villa come in to teach us all they know about football!

On Wednesday Wilcook come in to teach us how to cook, so far we've cooked delicious Apple Pie and yummy Pizza, what next?!
Starstruck has turned street dance! Instead of singing and acting it's hip hop and break dance. Tony and Kate, the people who run it decided that there weren't enough coming to Musical theatre Starstruck and asked us if more of us would come if they went street dance and we agreed!

On Tuesday Mrs Ross comes to teach us Netball, there are only 7 people who come and we are desperate for more. If you are in years 4, 5 or 6 then please consider joining them.
After School Clubs!
We hope you have enjoyed our magazine and I'm sure you will agree that it looks even better in colour! A big thank you to Mr Pugh, a parent, who has been responsible for publishing our magazine in colour!
A Big Thank -You!
Good News for Cheswick Green School
We are pleased to inform you that the building work to improve our school has been approved! As early as the Autumn term work is likely to begin. We will have a completely modernised school building. It will be a very exciting time for us all. More news to come in our next edition......
Skipping Club

Skipping Club will be replacing Netball after Easter and Mrs Ross will be teaching skipping skills to anyone who comes! It will be on Tuesday after school. Thanks to Skip 2B Fit now we have even more skipping equipment we can use!