Story Corner
On World Book Day, we held a competition to write a story with the title 'The Mysterious Book' We had lots of fantastic stories produced! Sit back, relax and enjoy reading the openings, to the winning entries.......
It was 2011 and a boy called Jack was walking to school. Suddenly he tripped over something, it was a book so he put it in his bag. Later on at his school he showed his friend Tom. "History," read Jack.
"Why don't you open it?" said Tom. So Jack found the contents and went to the ancient Egypt page. Suddenly the two boys felt themselves being dragged into the book! When they looked around they found themselves in Egypt. "Look," said Tom "It's a funeral procession, I recognise Tutankhamun's death mask," whispered Jack.
"Look there are three men sneaking into the tomb. We must catch them!" said Tom.

By Simeon Arnold, year 3

Humphrey the hamster was playing in his cage happily with his black and white stripes shining in the sun. His friend Henry was playing with him too. They were best friends. They laughed and they joked.

"Last night I dreamed about us trying to get out to the wild," said Humphrey.
"Me too!" replied Henry.
"I wish we could!"
"I know, let's do it!"
"That's a great idea!"
That night their owner Harry left the cage door open so Humphrey and Henry scuttled out. They went through the different rooms in the house and then they found a small window was open. They jumped up onto the window sill and then out through the window. The house was next to lots of trees. So... on they went, through the DEEP DARK WOOD!

By Harry Edge, year 4
Laura gasped, there was a banging noise inside her head getting louder and louder. Strangely, the noise got quieter as she walked downstairs towards the cellar. Cautiously, she opened the door so the noise was just like a heart beat in her head. There in front of her eyes was a box that was sort of jumping in a way but it had a lock attached to it. Beautiful patterns, dust and unknown symbols were carved into the box...... well the symbols were unknown to Laura. Suddenly Laura heard a voice, "Laura we're going out now," her mum shouted. Laura was 13 a few months ago so she was allowed to be home alone. Now she got back to what she was doing with no fear, she wasn't scared. Noticing the key loosely tied to the box with string, she yanked it off and unlocked the box.

By Naomi Tassa, year 6