Year 4
Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery

On Friday 11th February, 3C and 4B went on a trip to BM&AG (Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery). Our aim was to find out more about the Ancient Egyptians and how they lived.

We arrived by coach at the church shaped Museum. When we got there the museum was much larger then we thought it would be!

When we got inside we had to wait for a long time before the museum opened to the public, that was the boring bit!!

Excitedly we walked down the marble path and up the marble stairs leading to the doors. We got in through the left door-it was quite big!! It was amazing when we got inside the artefact room! The first thing I saw was a clay model of an Egyptian home.

After we went to the exhibits we went to the gift shop. On the way we saw some lovely paintings! Finally we got to the gift shop (after getting lost) and we were able to buy necklaces, pencils, rubbers.

Then we handled some real, live artefacts!! We liked the Eye of Horus charm!!

We had a great day at the museum and we found out lots of new and interesting facts to help us with our work at school.
When we there we saw lots of interesting artefacts and we had a question hunt! We saw some Egyptian art! There were loads of different amulets (Ancient Egyptian luck charms) as well as tools such as fishing hooks!!
After that we had lunch-yum yum!! Then a lady called Alice came to show us how to wrap a mummy! We helped to wrap the dummy mummy!!

We found out the Ancient Egyptians believed that the heart was the centre of intelligence, not the brain, so they kept it in the body for their afterlife!!
Year 4 have collectively written a report about our trip to Birmingham Museum &Art Gallery