P.T.A &
Cheswick Green Primary School, Cheswick Way, Shirley Solihull B90 4HG
01564703336 Fax: 01564 702074
Week Beginning 9th June 2014
We have been looking at a different type of minibeast
this week; we have been looking at spiders. Not just any
spider though; the 'Very Busy Spider' also by Eric Carle.  
This book is all about a spider who spends all day
spinning her web. A variety of different farm animals
approach her and ask if she wanted to go do something
with them that they enjoy doing. Each time, the spider
didn't answer because she was busy spinning her web.
What happens then Foundation? What happens to the
spider after her long and busy day?

With Father's day fast approaching, we have been busy
making our special cards for us to give. No spoilers here
though. Dads... you will have to wait until Sunday!

We have had lots of child initiated creative work this
week. Foundation have worked together with their
friends to make minibeast books (which have been
amazing to look at!) and busy creating their very own
minibeasts in our creative area.

We have had a delivery in foundation this week.
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