P.T.A &
Cheswick Green Primary School, Cheswick Way, Shirley Solihull B90 4HG
01564703336 Fax: 01564 702074
Week Beginning 9th
December 2013
We've had a very exciting and busy week in
Foundation. This week we performed our nativity
'The Donkey's Tale', first to the rest of the school
then to our parents and carers. It went
extremely well, everybody was fantastic in their role
and we hope you enjoyed watching our nativity as much
as we enjoyed performing it. Well done everybody,
you should be very proud of yourselves!

We created a calendar this week using marble painting
ready for 2014. We glued a picture of ourselves in
costume on the front. These pictures have also been
uploaded onto the link below.

Our role play has been transformed into the stable in
Bethlehem and the children have enjoyed re-enacting
the nativity scene, where they decided all sorts of
animals were present. Did you know a dog and a monkey
were there during the birth of Jesus?!
Click Here to see pictures of Foundation in full costume after their nativity performance.