P.T.A &
Cheswick Green Primary School, Cheswick Way, Shirley Solihull B90 4HG
01564703336 Fax: 01564 702074
Week Beginning 7th October 2013
This week we have looked at not one, but two
nursery rhymes. We began by looking at the rhyme
'Little Miss Muffet', before introducing
'Incy Wincey Spider' too. Can you tell what both
rhymes have in common? Spiders! We have based
our crafts and activities around spiders and the
number 8 this week.

We began by looking at a spider as a group and
counted the legs one by one. (Don't worry it was
plastic- not real!). We used a selection of white and
black paper, glue and black wax crayons to make our
very own spiders. We also had a go at sculpting our
own spiders out of salt dough, which then needed to
be cooked and cooled before we were able to paint it
black. Each of our spiders needed to have 8 legs!

We made chocolate crispie cakes in cooking this
week, including strawberry laces for legs and sugar
balls for eyes. They looked and tasted yummy!

Click Here to play some spider
related games.