P.T.A &
Cheswick Green Primary School, Cheswick Way, Shirley Solihull B90 4HG
01564703336 Fax: 01564 702074
Week Beginning 6th January 2013
Welcome back Foundation! We hope you have had a
super Christmas and we look forward to hearing all
about it. We are thinking about our new goals we have
for 2014 this week. We carefully coloured in a picture
of a bouncy ball before adding a picture of ourselves.
We threw a ball towards the netball post outside
before deciding on our goal. These have all been used
to make a fantastic display in the classroom.

This week, we have also written a letter which we will
send home to say thank you for all our presents and
for a lovely Christmas. We shared our favourite toys
we had received and discussed the importance of
saying thank you. On Friday, together we carefully
walked to the postbox on Saxonwood Road to post
our letters, which we hope will arrive by early next