P.T.A &
Cheswick Green Primary School, Cheswick Way, Shirley Solihull B90 4HG
01564703336 Fax: 01564 702074
Week Beginning 5th November 2013
Welcome Back!! We hope you had a fantastic half
term and look forward to hearing all about what you
have been up to.
Tuesday this week was Bonfire Night and lots of the
children have seen or are going to see a fireworks
display. We even had a chance to watch a display on
the Interactive White Board and dance to
the music!
Foundation 1 recycled old tubes to make their own
sparkly rockets. Foundation 2 learnt that when they
mixed the two primary colours- red and yellow they
were able to make the orange it made orange they
needed to create a bonfire painting. They have all
been hung up in the classroom and look amazing and
really hot! What do you think?
Lots of activities have been set up outside this
week, all linking to our theme of 'Bonfire Night'.
We danced with streamers and strips of material and
pretended we were fireworks. We also
used junk modelling of all shapes and sizes to make
rockets and were able draw our own fireworks
display using chalk on our special chalk boards.
Take a look at some of out bonfire pictures Foundation 2 made this week!