P.T.A &
Cheswick Green Primary School, Cheswick Way, Shirley Solihull B90 4HG
01564703336 Fax: 01564 702074
Week Beginning 24th February 2014
Welcome back, we hope you had a super half term!!
Well what an exciting week we've had here in Foundation. We have started our new topic of 'Transport' this half term and Foundation 1 have been busy painting their chosen vehicle. Foundation 2 used a selection of junk modelling resources to create a 3-D mode of transport before painting it to go on display in the unit. Thank you for all the spare boxes that were donated as a response to the challenge before half term!
With a new topic comes brand new activities and resources both inside and outside the unit. Outside has been set up with lots of things to do related to transport this week; from using the tents to create a train for us all to go on holiday in, to the water which was filled with boats. A small ramp was set up outdoors this week which Foundation absolutely loved. It was split in to two halves, each of a different texture and we loved seeing which side would make the cars travel faster. Can you remember which texture made the car travel the fastest Foundation?

We made a Swiss Roll in cooking this week, which when cut up looked a lot like the wheels of a car.
Foundation are going on holiday in their pretend bus.                   Don t forget your tickets!
Click Here to have a go at the sorting activity
we did in ICT this week