P.T.A &
Cheswick Green Primary School, Cheswick Way, Shirley Solihull B90 4HG
01564703336 Fax: 01564 702074
Week Beginning 22nd April 2013
This week we have looked at a story called 'Oliver's Vegetables'. We have been doing lots of activities about vegetables. F2 used watercolours and pastels to complete an observational drawing of a vegetable, while F1 did some vegetable printing. We also looked closely at how plants and vegetables grow. The best way to learn this is having a go ourselves. So this week we each planted our very own sunflower and as a class we have planted some vegetables in grow bags outside the unit. We must remember to water them every day so that they grow! In cooking this week, we made carrot cake. We grated the carrot ourselves!
Click Here to have a go at the sorting activity we completed in ICT this week.