P.T.A &
Cheswick Green Primary School, Cheswick Way, Shirley Solihull B90 4HG
01564703336 Fax: 01564 702074
Week Beginning 17th June 2013
We have been looking at the story 'Jonah and the
this week and talking about the importance
of saying sorry when we need to. In the story Jonah
is asked by God to pass on a message of warning to
the people of Nineveh but instead runs away and hides
on a boat, travelling far out to sea. God sends a storm
to punish Jonah for running away and he is thrown out
to sea. Jonah is swallowed by a whale but God keeps
him alive while he is in the whale's tummy. Jonah tells
God he is sorry and the whale spits Jonah out onto the
beach. Jonah then takes God's message to Nineveh and
God is pleased with him.
Foundation 2 had a go at retelling the story in writing
this week and there was some fantastic work
Everybody made an ice lolly in Cooking this week on
Tuesday and enjoyed eating it outside on
Wednesday. It was lovely and refreshing on such a
warm day.
We sponge painted a blue background for our artwork
this week, before adding a whale to the picture.
Foundation 1 used a whale shaped sponge and printed
their picture, while Foundation 2 drew and collaged
their own whale.