P.T.A &
Cheswick Green Primary School, Cheswick Way, Shirley Solihull B90 4HG
01564703336 Fax: 01564 702074
Week Beginning 16th
December 2013
It's the last week before our Christmas holidays and
we've had another busy, fun packed week here in
Foundation! On Monday we had our Christmas party
where we danced, played games and ate to our hearts
content. We were also lucky enough to have a very
special visitor come to see us. Father Christmas came
to say hello and he left a present behind for us all to
take home and put under our Christmas tree.

Christmas related activities were available throughout
the week both inside and out. On Friday we were able
to bring in a toy from home to show and share with our
friends at school.

From all the staff here in Foundation, we hope you have
a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and we look
forward to seeing you in 2014.
Click here to see pictures of our Foundation/ Key stage 1 Christmas party