P.T.A &
Cheswick Green Primary School, Cheswick Way, Shirley Solihull B90 4HG
01564703336 Fax: 01564 702074
Week Beginning 13th January 2014
We have received lots of replies to the letters we
sent home this week, which we have enjoyed looking
at with our friends. They are still coming through too,
keeping our postman very busy!

We are looking at a story called 'The Toy Shop'
written by Wendy Body.The book is all about a kind
toy shopkeeper who has several favourite toys, all
of which are made from different materials. Within
the story, one by one, the shopkeeper shows us his
favourite toys and describes the textures and colours
of each. After listening to the story, we looked at the
toys in Foundation and thought about the different
materials they are all made from and what they might
feel like.

Each of us chose our favourite character out of the
book and made it using a wide range of resources
such as paint/ collage/ crayons. Everybody came up
with their own ideas about how to make their
character, so each one is different.

The role play has also been transformed into a toy
shop and Foundation 1 have been looking at the
different coins and what they are worth.
Click Here to have a go at some toy related activities