P.T.A &
Cheswick Green Primary School, Cheswick Way, Shirley Solihull B90 4HG
01564703336 Fax: 01564 702074

Week Beginning 11th November 2013
Our theme this week is all about 'Getting on and
Falling out'.
We have spoken all about what makes us
a good friend and how important it is to use our
manners. We have also played lots of games this week,
encouraging us to take it in turns and say "Well Done"
to whoever wins each game.

Foundation have also been working hard drawing
pictures of their friends on the smart board using
Revelation Art this week. We spoke about why they
are our friends and how they make us feel.
We have some lovely friendships here in Foundation!

Nurse Parry kindly came to visit us one morning this
week and explained all about when we should wash our
hands and why it is important. Thank you Nurse Parry!
Click Here to see several more examples of the
drawings Foundation have done of each other and
why they are good friends.